
Do you want to check on the construction site whether what has been built is in accordance with what was designed? How do you compare the drawing with reality? You need a tape scale, but you don’t have one with you? With the module compare this becomes a piece of cake: You hold your mobile phone to the structure, scan with the function capture, and then superimpose scan and drawing with the function compare. If it doesn’t match, you tag the action required to the structure in the 3D model, and immediately it is recorded for the relevant party to see and act.

The compare module of our app clone:it can be customised to your individual needs for various applications.

The module compare:rebar is currently being programmed by clone:it, and will be available shortly. A demo video is available on YouTube.


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DI Liebhard Mattuschka

liebhard.mattuschka (a)
+43 660 705 52 37